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Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
Gun Saftey
With mass shootings becoming a common occurrences, our families, churches and children need resources for quality conversation around this difficult and divisive topic.
Former Coordinator of Justice & Advocacy for Family & Children's Ministries, Kate Epperly put together printable resources for those who work with younger generations and their families.
Printable PDF E-Book
"Following our nation’s experiencing 38+ mass shootings in the first three months of 2018, a large group of articulate and passionate student activists joined their voices with Parkland High School activists to launch a very impressive nationwide “March for Our Lives” campaign to prevent gun violence. While the fruits of this campaign have not yet been fully realized, this new surge in young activism gives families and leaders in faith communities a vital opportunity to engage with our children and youth on the subjects of gun safety and gun violence, in addition to the how to conduct faith-based promotion of non-violent communication and conflict resolution, and an intentionality to follow the countercultural way of peacemaking power of Jesus which actively embraces the mission of compassion, healing and wholeness for all God’s children."
Another PDF
Gun Violence and Trauma resources for Families (Michelle Palmer)

Appendix A:
Gun Violence Prevention Resources
Faith Coalition Against Gun Violence
Faiths United Against Gun Violence
Everytown for Gun Safety
Sandyhook Promise
Operation Lipstick: Ladies Involved in Putting a STOP To Inner City Killing
Appendix B:
Faith Based Books and Articles for Youth and Adults
United Methodist Gun Violence Prevention Faith and Facts Card
Grounded in Faith: Resources on Mental Health and Gun Violence
Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse
Appendix C:
Resources for Children and Families
How to Talk to Kids About Gun Violence (Parents/Lisa Milbrand)
Anxiety Over School Shootings: Finding proactive ways to deal with worried feelings by Rachel Ehmke
Journey to the Heart: Centering Prayer for Children by Frank Jelenek and Ann Boyajian
The Bad Guys: A Students/Teachers Guide to School Safety and Violence Prevention by Julie Federico (Author), Linda Wilson (Editor), Ruth van de Witt (Editor), & 2 more
Guns Are Not For Fun by D. C. Dailey (Author), Dawn Boudreau (Photographer), Bill Tadrick (Photographer)
The Book That Shouldn't Exist by A.J. Cosmo (Author), Félix Hinojosa (Illustrator), A.J. Cosmo (Illustrator)
The Armor of Light
Making a Killing: Guns, Greed and the NRA
How Do I Talk to My Kids About Gun Violence in the Media?
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