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Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
Vacation Bible School
Every year VBS curriculum comes out from the same publishers.
Each church has a different need when it comes to how many days, how much money, theological messages, and virtual practicalities. Here is a quality article on each publisher.
Vacation Bible School Reviews: About the Publisher from Building Faith
"Best Of" Options Below
Best Overall
Illustrated Children's Ministry
Best Reconciliation VBS
CommUNITY Allies
Best Cost-Effective Options for Supplies
Oriental Trading

Disciple Resources & Connections
Resources/VBS from Global Ministries
Living Waters for the World trains and equips church mission groups and others to share the gift of clean water with communities in need.
Society of St. Andrew: "Where faith grows and hungry people are fed."
Go to our main Summer Programs page
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