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Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
Fatherhood is directly related to all the issues around what it means to identify as male. Disciples Men are having new conversation. They have begun a podcast and more! Check it out here.
The links below offer a starting point for those in a father-type role, though some vary from the overall theology Family & Children's Ministries upholds. Our team is continuously seeking quality resources to more fully support faithful fathers. Check back soon for updates on this list-in-progress.
What Size Are God's Shoes: Kids, Chaos, and the Spiritual Life by Tim Schenck: One dad's parenting stories.
The National Fatherhood Initiative: "Developing positive relationships with their children encourages and motivates fathers to lead more constructive lives, even in the most difficult of circumstances."

Resources Continued...
The Good Men Project: Dad's and Families: "The Good Men Project is not so much a magazine as a social movement. We are fostering a national discussion centered around modern manhood and the question, “What does it mean to be a good man”?"
2Not1: "Through various activities such as discussions, conversation cafes, family interaction events, and general dialogue 2NOT1 will address and bring awareness to the issues that hinder successful fatherhood."
Daddy Discipleship: "Exists to provide practical parenting skills which point children towards Christ through biblically grounded and theologically sound teaching. Daddy Discipleship will strive to connect with fathers for the sole purpose of fathers connecting their children to Christ."
PregMANcy by Christian Piatt: This autobiographical book is a fun read for any person about to become a father for the first or second time.
Know When to Hold 'Em: The High Stakes Games of Fatherhood by John Blase
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