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Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
To encourage cross generational and multi-cultural relationships that support vital, dynamic ministries that enhance the faith of all God’s children.
Sacred Space
Sacred Story
Sacred Meal
Sacred Steps
Sacred Conversation

To curate relevant, authentic and effective tools and resources for children, families, and church leaders within all covenanted ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
To bring together all generations in the worship, leadership, and work of God to create a strong foundation for children, families, and church.
To establish and maintain a network of mutually beneficial covenant relationships.
To respond through relationships, technology, advocacy, and other communication tools to the ever changing needs of children, families, and church leaders in our increasingly racially, culturally, sexually diverse congregations and communities.
To advocate for and nurture children, families, and church leaders in our congregations so that they are spiritually formed and biblically and theologically informed.
This page was last updated by OU 7/21
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