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Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a pro-reconciliation, anti-racism denomination. For years we have gathered resources to help families, youth, children, and young adults find ways to engage in conversations and learning that break down these hurtful walls. Below are some of the newer resources for families, children, youth and young adults.
Reconciliation Ministry"It is the vision of Reconciliation Ministry to build just communities by breaking down the walls within our church which separate us. We claim a new reality in which we live into God’s realm by celebrating our unity, affirming the cultural traditions of each member of the body of Christ and working together for justice to ensure radical welcome and access to God’s abundant resources."
Children's Multicultural Books
Justice Connections

Resources "Best ofs"
Best Intergenerational Approach
Talking to Kids about the Poor People's Campaign
Best Podcast
But Why Live: A Discussion About Race And Racism
Best Quick Parent Reference
Talking Race With Young Children
Best Family Blog
Embrace Race: We are building an online community to discuss and share best practices for raising and caring for kids, all kids, in the context of race.
Best Quick Youth Reference
Helping young people grieve and take action (Youth) Fuller Institute
Best Overall Resource
Learning for Justice (previously Teaching Tolerance): Teaching Tolerance is dedicated to reducing prejudice, improving intergroup relations and supporting equitable school experiences for our nation's children.
Children's Books:
For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe in a Better World by Michael W. Waters
(Toddler) Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi
The ABCs of Diversity: Helping Kids (and Ourselves!) Embrace Our Differences by Carolyn B. Helsel, Y. Joy Harris-Smith
Not My Idea by Anastasia Higginbotham
Spitfire Club Resources
Activity Book: FREE Civil Rights Activity Book for Children: The Southern Poverty Law Center's Civil Rights Memorial Center (CRMC)
Systemic Racism Explained (Older Elementary/Youth)
Animation Series: Something Happened In Our Town
Sesame Street and Racism (Younger Kids)
The Story of Martin Luther King Jr. by Kid President
Raising White Kids' Author On How White Parents Can Talk About Race (Book: Raising White Kids by Jennifer Harvey)
Your Kids Aren't Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup
Illustrated Ministries Updated Resources (Books, Articles, Podcasts, and more!)
Family Conversations: Race and Racism (Articles, Books, etc.) correlated by Tanya Eustace Campen
CommUNITY Allies: VBS work in anti-racism, inclusion and social justice (more below)
Faith in Action: A Handbook for Activists Advocates and Allies
For Adult Family Members:
White Privilege: Let's Talk - A Resource for Transformational Dialogue
The Sandbox Revolution: Raising Kids for a Just World by Lydia Wylie-Kellermann (Editor)
InCulture Parent: Online magazine for parents raising little global citizens. Centered around culture, tradition and language, we feature articles on parenting around the world and raising multicultural and multilingual (also bicultural and bilingual) children.
Parenting for the Liberation: virtual community that connects, inspires, and uplifts Black folks as they navigate and negotiate raising Black children within the social and political context of the US.
For Young People:
Forward Toward Freedom Resource: (Kids)
The Office of Christian Education has designed a three-day resource with Luis Gierbolini, Chesla Nickelson, Olivia Updegrove and Monique Crain Spells. Taking inspiration from acclaimed book, The1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones, “Forward Toward Freedom” offers historical accounts of black experiences in America alongside biblical stories that help illustrate consideration of the following themes: freedom of culture, freedom of body, freedom of mind.
Kid World Citizen: Becky developed KWC to be able to share the educational activities that she has used in her classroom and at home with my 4 children to increase global and cultural awareness. You will find an ever-expanding database of age-appropriate, fun activities gathered from around the world that are organized by topic and by country.
Discussion SoulPancake: We create content, across various platforms, that explores life's big questions, celebrates humanity, and champions creativity. And we do it with integrity, heart, and humor.Example:
Road to Racial Justice: Board Game for teenagers and young adults.
For Leaders:
Healing from Violence Bibliography: Resources for Nonviolent Conflict Transformation, Diversity Appreciation, and Peacemaking Stories
UrbanFaith: If you’re looking for an “urban” Christian perspective on the people, news, and ideas that are shaping our lives today, you’ve logged onto the right site.
End Violence Against Children The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children is a unique public-private collaboration that includes United Nations agencies, governments, industry, regional bodies, civil society, young people, advocates and champions, all focused on one thing: making the world safe for children.
Faith for Justice: Faith for Justice is a coalition of Christian activists pursuing the biblical call to action in the public sphere.
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ): SURJ is a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice.
This page was last updated by WS 7/21
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