Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
General Assembly Highlights
Families, Youth, Children, and Young Adults
Wear 5K/10K t-shirts & medals at GA (both years) on Tuesday!
We gathered those who are working directly with Children, Youth, Young Adults & Families at GA to let you know all the ways for different ages to engage in the assembly.
If you missed the webinar, check out the video.
Booth - DHM - Find Us!
Book Signings
Issues Related to Children, Families, Young Adults, and Youth
Marriage, Children’s Books, Parenting, Childhood and Preaching (Schedule)
Children Worship & Wonder Stories
CW&W Trainers will be leading stories and responding to questions. (Schedule)
Family Friendly Area
This area will also have crafts for all ages. These crafts will be added to the Young Adult's backpack mission.
Photo Booth (Young Adults)
And There is More!
DHM Meal includes pricing for children, join us!
Disciples Rally for Family Justice: Saturday 3-5 pm (flyer)
Workshops to Note on Sunday
Homegrown Faith and Justice with Kate Epperly
Intergenerate with Olivia Bryan Updegrove
Grief, Stillbirth and Pastoral Care (Panel Discussion)
Discussions Opportunities:
Coordinator for Justice and Advocacy and Interim Children Worship & Wonder Coordinator, Kate Epperly
DHM Marriot Suite
12-1 pm (bring your lunch if you wish!)
Monday: "Children, Worship and Wonder" trainers and all interested persons
Tuesday: Family resources and practices for nurturing "Homegrown Peace and Justice"
Wednesday:"Gun Violence Prevention and Safety for Families" co-facilitated by Rev. Kris Eggert, Director of God Before Guns.
Sunday Morning Worship Experiences
Sunday morning at General Assembly is a time where we get to spread out over the city and participate in the local churches and ministries in the area. Historically, the youth and families have been segregated into their own worship. This time, however, the youth, young adults, children and families are spreading out in a variety of ways to show that ONE MEANS ONE.
Your group can go ANYWHERE to worship! We invite you to stay connected through social media throughout the services. We want you to share quotes, photos, memories, and more as you experience various worships with your group and with others. (You get to really participate and learn from more than one experience.)
Worship Opportunities - Information will be updated.
Linwood Christian Church
Highlights:Speaker, Families and Children Minister, Olivia Bryan Updegrove. Children led pre-worship. In worship children activities.
Speedway Christian Church
Avon Christian Church
Convention Center: Obra Hispana - Adoration Worship
Work and Worship Opportunities
If you are interested in any of these please contact us and we will assist.
Ronald McDonald House I (15-20 People)
Ronald McDonald House II (15-20 People)
Convention Center: Backpacks/Wheeler Center
All Sunday Morning Worship Opportunities: (Click here)
Want Even More?
Ways to Prepare for GA with Children
Worship for Children and Families at GA
Young Adult Activities: Backpacks