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Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
Nursery & Toddlers
The youngest child still has the ability to encounter and experience the Divine. Below are ways to help the youngest members of your church experience their faith from the very beginning.

What Does My Nursery Need?
Creating a High Quality Church Nursery by Jolene Roehlkeparta
Seasons Growing Faith - Birth to Age 2: This curriculum is part of Seasons of the Spirit. It is lectionary based for young children.
Splash: Birth to 3 Faith Formation: This curriculum is published by Augsburg Press. It says, "Congregations have so much to offer families of infants and toddlers! Get Splashing, with a more in-depth look at the role your congregation can play in early faith formation of young children, with the following topics."
Toddlers Knowing God Lesson Series
Preschool Bible Lessons, Crafts, and Songs
The Most Important Space in the Church by Rita B. Hays: " By building a rich, spiritually rooted ministry with infants through two-year-olds and with their families, congregations establish a faith formation pattern that continues through all age levels."
Safety Guidelines
What you need to know about creating a safe church, including nursery and childcare standards.
Children's Book Recommendations from Our Team
Music Recommendations
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