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Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
This page was last updated by wk 3/12/21

Ministries Across Generations believes ALL ages should worship together as a whole community of faith.
There must, however, be intentional conversation around how best to make intergenerational worship work.
Why Worship
Articles and Ideas to Get You Thinking...
Children’s Church is the Church by Jessica Tate
Joy: When all ages worship together by Joan Huyser-Honig
The Family: Together in God's Presence by Noel Piper and John Piper
Incorporating Children in Worship by Kate Epperly
Making Room for Children Brochure Template by Kaye Edwards
Building A Children's Chapel: One Story at a Time by Bill Gordh
Intergenerational Resources & Best Practices

While Ministries Across Generations encourages church to engage all ages at different moments throughout an entire service, we realize that some of you are still in older models and need quality resources.
Children's Message
Children's Moment/Time "Dos and Don'ts" (Click here)
Sacred Steps: A series of weekly exegetical notes and suggestions for children’s sermons to which you can subscribe. (Online Lectionary Resource)
General Resources
Iona Community: E-Liturgies and Prayers
Worshiping with Children: Blog by Carolyn Brow
Children's Bulletins: Basic Children's bulletins for two age groups
Spark: Bulletins that follow the lectionary and compliment Augsburg Press's sparkhouse curriculum.
The Sunday Paper: ". . . offers big, bold artwork, a simple story line, an activity page designed to stir children's imaginations and spirituality."
Taking Faith Home Bulletin Inserts for Families.
Specialty Liturgical Resources
Specialty Worship Resources
Imagine God – A Children’s Musical, Exploring and Expressing Images of God: Score and CD by Jann Aldredge-Clanton
Acolyte Training: A guide to help children really understand the role of an acolyte
Blessing of the Backpacks
Advent and Christmas
Ahlan wa Sahlan: Welcome! Advent Stories for Children by Global Ministries' Middle East Initiative This curriculum helps children connect the Christmas stories of the Bible with real children who live in the same areas today.
Mary Had a Baby: An Advent Bible Study Based on African American Spirituals by Cheryl Kirk-Duggan and Marilyn E. Thornto
MyAdvent - Personal online Advent Calendars
Advent Conspiracy
Last Minute Christmas Ideas: The Church of England
Dreaming of a Bright Christmas: Diocese of St Albans
God With Us Christmas Devotionals
A Very Messy Christmas Christmas Activities
Engage Together – Intergenerational Worship Resources for Advent 2020: Center for Theology & Ministry
2018 Advent Resource
2017 Multi-Age Advent Resource
2017 Advent Engage Together
25 Children's Books for Advent and Christmas
Plays and Musicals
The Wonder: A Christmas Program for Children
Matt & Lucy's Version Births
(This is from the Living the Questions series and Progressive Christianity resources.)
Four Drama Ideas for Telling Story of Christmas
Four Intergenerational Advent Workshops
Materials: Family Advent Wreath
Chrismon Instructions
Why Christmas Instructions (Chrismons, etc.)
Christmas Hand Wreath
Candy Kiss Angel
The No-rehearsal, Every-child-gets-a-part Christmas Pageant
Waiting for God
Christmas Around the World
Collection of Christmas Carols
From Church to Home
Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas by Ann Voskamp
Advent for Families One-Minute Video Series
Kindness Elves (Alternative to "Elf on a Shelf")
Charlie & Noel - An Advent Calendar Story
SALT Project: Printable Calendar
Spirit of Love (Roots)
Pentecost Ideas (UCA SA)
Pentecost Ideas (Barnabas)
Pentecost Suggestions (The Billabong)
Pentecost ideas (Going for Growth)
All-Age Worship Resources
Pentecost ideas (Area52)
Pentecost (Max 7)
Pentecost Prayer & Craft (Flame)
Celebrating Pentecost (Kids Friendly)
Family Prayer Adventure Map (Thy Kingdom Come)
Lent and Easter
Lent and Easter at Home Stories by Ministries Across Generations
Into the Wild: A Family-Friendly Devotional on Henri Matisse and the Season of Lent
Journey to Easter: A 7 part series of weekly activities for kids and families by Disciples pastor, Rev. Kristin Jack, includes ideas for:
Passports for the Lenten Journey
Easter Story Trees
Fat Tuesday & Ash Wednesday
Passport Check-In Station
Lenten Pretzels
Resurrection Gardens
Following “Jesus” Through Lent: A fun way of moving a Jesus doll throughout the sanctuary to represent the stories of the season from the Worshiping with Children blog.
The Adventures of FLAT JESUS: You can carry Jesus with you and share Him with others wherever you go (from First United Methodist Church, Northville, MI).
2019 Lenten Multi-Age Resource
From Ash Wednesday to Easter Day you will find a fresh thought and invitation for reflection for each day. May your Lenten discipleship be enriched by this resource!
Lent (Going4Growth)
Church of England resources
Lent Resources (Common Grace)
Common Grace (Australia) seeks to not only encourage followers of Jesus to act on issues of injustice, but also to provide them with tools and training so they have an effective voice in the public sphere.
Praying in Color Lenten Calendar Templates
40 Lenten Activities for Kids
From the Call Her Happy blog
Lent 1 2 3: A customizable film from the SALT project
The Story of Lent: Foothills Christian Church, Glendale, AZ
Ash Wednesday & Lent in Two Minutes from bustedhalovideo
Christ Walk Kids A 40-Day Spiritual Journey for Tweens and Teens
Love Life, Live Lent - Children’s Booklet
What is Lent? by Marcia Stoner (There is also What is the Lord's Prayer, etc.)
Young Voices: Stepping out of the Wilderness Devotion (Youth)
Wonder of Easter Uses a child’s “wonder” questions to think about what it must have felt to be a part of the biblical story.
Kids Celebrate Lent and Easter from Augsburg Press
Easter Options from Sparkhouse
What We Do in Lent | A Child’s Activity Book (Kitch) These fun-filled activities for home, pew, or church school, help children ages 4-7 learn about the seasons of Lent and Easter.
Other Non-liturgical Sundays Resources
Father’s Day worship resources
Father’s Day ideas (Flame)
Mother’s Day Multi-Age Services
Ultimate Mothers’ Day Resource List
Mother’s Day Resources (Going for Growth)
Helpful Hints
Hand out children's activities or bulletins RIGHT BEFORE the sermon.
Make sure the leadership is aware of children and designs elements of worship that relate to all ages.
Celebrate when a child starts to become a regular worship attender and help the entire congregation see it as their responsibility to participate with each child in worship.
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