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Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
Stewardship in Home
Being a good steward is an important tool in holistic faith formation. Stewardship, like patience and sharing, is taught through experience. This page is to help children be financial stewards at home.
Financial Stewardship in the Home
Many leaders and church members are afraid to talk about money because they were not taught how to talk about it as children. The fact is that churches need money to provide the resources needed to do the ministries God has called that church to do.
With children, it is not about the amount of money they give to the church, but learning the act of finanical giving and celebrating their efforts toward important ministry.

The Generosity Project
The Generosity Project is an intergenerational, household-focused approach to stewardship. Its goals are to connect generations, create centers for the faith practice of generosity, and grow in God’s grace generation to generation.
Pennies of Time
"We take 15-20 minutes each day to serve . . . a small moment, a "penny of time."
Blog: Why You Should Tell Your Children How Much You Make by Ron Lieber
The Center for Faith and Giving
This is a great resource already gathered to assist in helping find ways to enable children and families in stewardship.
Giving Together: A Stewardship Guide for Families
by Carol A. Wehrheim
6 Smart Tips for Raising Money-Savvy Kids:
Expert strategies to set your children up for financial success by Brigitt Hauck
Stewardship and Crafts
Stewardship in Mission
Stewardship in the Church
Mission Trips and Outreach
Family Stewardship Steps
1. Make a Goal
Fill out a pledge card. If a child is able to give $1.00 a week for the year, then make the pledge card out for $52.00. (Just think, 10 kids could give $520.00 to the church!)
2. Make sure the child has a place at home to save their money for the church.
I know several families who have jars or piggy banks for their children. If a child makes $5.00 a week in allowance, that child will put $1.00 in their church jar, $1.00 in their savings jar, $1.00 in their gift/charity jar, and $2.00 in their "free" money jar.
3. Make sure your child has a place in the church to put their money.
Do not let your church overlook a child's giving. Special envelopes or special times to collect the money help encourage a child to give.
4. Talk about what that money does for the church.
Let a kid know about the ministries. Help remind a child about ways that money also blesses his or her family.
5. Celebrate!
When the money is collected and given, have a celebration
This page was last updated by ws 7/21
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