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Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
Stewardship in Mission
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) upholds Micah 6:8,
"God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
Thus our call as followers of Christ, at all ages and stages, is to be active as stewards engage in God's mission of love. There are many ways to GIVE & LOVE!
Reconciliation Work & Resources
Justice Connections
Mission Trips
Stewardship in the Church
Stewardship in the Home
Stewardship and Crafts

Creation Care & Mission
Climate Justice with and for Children and Youth in Churches Get Informed, Get Inspired, Take Action from the World Council of Churches. This toolkit provides resources for churches, church-run schools, and summer camps to support intergenerational climate and environmental justice and promote care for children by stopping further global warming.
Children's Environmental Health Network
A national multi-disciplinary organization whose mission is to protect the developing child from environmental health hazards and promote a healthier environment.
It is Easy Being Green!: Bible Stories and Crafts with the Earth in Mind by LeeDell Stickler
What's So Amazing About Polar Bears? Teaching Kids to Care for Creation
God's Blue Earth: Teaching Kids to Celebrate the Sacred Gifts of Water by Randy Hammer and Suzanne Blockland
Living Waters for the World trains and equips church mission groups and others to share the gift of clean water with communities in need. (Includes VBS)
We Charity: We are an international charity and educational partner, working both domestically and internationally to empower and enable youth to be agents of change.
ECO Bookworms
Knowing how to talk about climate change with children can be difficult. We all want to nurture the next generation and encourage a sense of hope and personal power.
Creation Care Children's Books
Denominational Mission & Stewardship
Global Ministries
Week of Compassion
Church World Service
Disciples Volunteering
Green Chalice
Reconciliation Ministries
National Benevolent Association
This page was last updated by ws 7/21
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