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Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
For Adult Family Members
Keep Connected: "Bullying and Cyberbullying: What You Need to Know" - Parents: Tips, guidelines, and education for parents on all types of bullying
7 Signs Your Child Is Being Bullied: Watch out for these red flags by Alicia Barney

Resources continued...
For Children - Kids: Facts, Tools, Videos, and Games
Vibrant Faith @ Home: "Bullying Hurts" activity with Bible story print out
Llama Llama and the Bully Goat by Anna Dewdney
It's OK!! Everybody's Different by Paula Gelbach
For Leaders
Prevent Bullying in Your Church in The Steward, Winter 2013, Insurance Board
The Ophelia Project: YouTube videos and guidelines to recognize and address relational aggression
Rachel's Challenge: Programs for students, parents, and educators to create a safe learning environment
Where Hands Will Reach: Devotions, Stories, Reflections: Responses to bullying from ELCA pastors
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