Celebrate - Light a Candle Devotions 2016
This year’s Light a Candle for Children devotions included 31 writers from a wonderful array of backgrounds, experiences, and insights. There were writers from 14 Regions and multiple constituency groups. Represented were voices from clergy and laity, youth and grandparents, and backgrounds from all over the world. General, regional, and local levels of leadership all voiced understandings on ways to help our children “Heal from Violence.”

Beginning on September 11th inspiring words, images and resources were published on the Light a Candle website and on Facebook and the devotions coincided with Rev. Kate Epperly’s weekly blog posts about practical ways to help children heal from violence and take non-violent action for justice and peace www.disciplesjustice4children.org
We had people “sharing” these devotions each day, and were able to reach around 800 people each day. We celebrate this denominations prayers and support for society’s most vulnerable.

During this time of national and international increased division and animosity, our prayers and advocacy for our children, youth, and society must continue beyond annual denominational and interfaith (Children’s Defense Fund) observance of Children's Sabbath. Family and Children's Ministries wants to support your efforts.
Light a Candle for Children devotions are available at any time throughout the year at (http://lightacandle.blogspot.com/). For additional support and networking in advocacy and justice areas, please contact Kate Epperly, DHM's Coordinator for Justice and Advocacy for Family and Children's
For other resources, stay updated with the Family and Children website.