Resource - 5K/10K - Walk and TALK!
Information (Click here) The Disciples Virtual 5K/10K is not just an event about spiritual movement, but a way to help all ages learn about how the Spirit moves our ministries and missions forward at the General level.
The General Youth Council is a group of teenage leaders from all over the country who work to provide

opportunities to lead other youth, along with all ages. These young people are one of the primary sponsors for this event. They have worked to provide you tools to talk with your youth groups, families, and participants about all the ministries that benefit from you taking time to "move for wholeness."
GYC has been in lots of conversation about the importance of ministries across all ages. Here is GYC member, Maddie Berry's fun reminder that we are interwoven in one body: moving, speaking, doing (click).
Topics Below: Disciples Mission Fund (Easter Offering), Disciples Home Missions, General Youth Council,
Disciples Mission Fund by Emily Huxtable
What or Who is DMF?
What does DMF actually do?
Disciples Mission Fund supports 72 ministries all around the United States and the Canadian border.
This Fund was created in 1909 where it has continued to prosper in so many unique ways. In the Disciples Mission Fund, people around the country help many families as well as church families with anything they need. This fund also helps us be able to help people outside the Disciples of Christ.
All of the money that is donated helps all of these organizations or local churches around you, the globe like; 47.9% goes to Regional Ministries, 35.6% goes to General Ministries, 8.9% goes to the Higher Education Institutions, 6.2% goes to the Office of General Minister and President, and 1.4% goes towards the Other Ministries. Every penny, nickel, dime, quarter, or dollar makes a difference in everyone’s life.
This fund is also why we are able to have this 5k or 10k virtual walk/run gathering, allowing people from different churches or different ages can come together as one from around the globe. All of this, General Assembly, spreading the word of God, or this walk/run activity, is because of you. You are the key person in this, you are the person that we are waiting for to sign up right now for the 5k/10k virtual run/walk. We are trying to spread the word of God all around the world, and it is your time to make a difference by helping DMF (Disciples Mission Fund), DHM (Disciples Home Mission), GYC (General Youth Council), GA (General Assembly), and Cross-Generational Importance to make a change in the world around us. So, we can show the people that everyone of all ages, race, or gender are welcomed at the Lord’s Table. We are all one in the Body of Christ.
Disciples Home Mission by Jessica Braxton
What is DHM?
This may be a question that you’re asking yourself or have in the past. In short, DHM is Disciples Home Missions. It houses much of the outreach general ministries within the church such as General Youth Council, the Disciples Chaplin Association, and National Association of Christian Church Boy Scout, Girl Scout and Camp Fire Leaders.
What does DHM do?
DHM’s main focuses are leader development, the formation of faith, participation in missions, a search for justice, and creation of many networks between people. Disciples Home Missions works to create functioning versions of these types of programs within and outside of the Disciples of Christ denomination. Disciples Home Missions works with many general ministries helping to keep them running and functioning in the way they should.
What does DHM do for youth?
As DHM is a partner with General Youth Council they work closely with the youth and strive to help in any way possible. DHM plays a large role in making General Assembly possible and helping the youth as well. DHM creates bonds with GYC and helps the youth to form new connections and associations within the Disciples church (Like with Sharon Watkins, my role model of course!).
General Youth Council: Youth Are the Present and the Future by GYC Moderator, Kate Summers
We sway while holding hands around a campfire and sing “Lean On Me” on a sweltering camp night. We race to open the Bible to Leviticus before the rest of the Sunday School. We stand covered in mud after a day working in the church’s community garden. We are deacons, members of the choir, the loud ones, helpful ones, joyful ones, and the excited ones. We are the Youth of the Disciples of Christ. CYF and Chi Rho Programs are a hallmark of the current church; Youth are enriched and growing in their faith as well as shaping the very future of the church.
As the larger church moves toward a greater emphasis on youth and youth programming, the General Youth Council continues to be an ever important part of the Disciples Home Missions. Youth programming is meaningful to thousands of 12- 18 year-olds across the country. Whether because of the lifelong friendships made at camp, the Sunday School teachers, or an incredible mission trip, these countless opportunities continue to shape youth. Because of these amazing experiences and importance of youth, the General Youth Council serves to allow a youth voice in the larger church body, to continue such programs and ensure a place for youth at the table.
Being a member of GYC gives unique opportunities for high school juniors and seniors to take what they have learned in their respective churches and youth groups to a larger committee made up of about fifteen to seventeen people. About ten youth are selected from a pool of applicants from all regions, four adults, and staff comprise the council.
The goal of the Council is to develop budding leaders and promote the youth experience to the larger church. A diversity in background and location is striven for in order to be representative of the Disciples of Christ as a whole. Events include a biannual planning meeting in January and monthly conference calls. One of the most exciting aspects of the General Youth Council is the immense task of planning youth programming that will take place at General Assemblies. Their participation in other International, National, Ecumenical, and Interfaith youth events is an aspect of their responsibilities as members of the General Youth Council.
What does DHM do for youth?
As DHM is a partner with General Youth Council they work closely with the youth and strive to help in any way possible. DHM plays a large role in making General Assembly possible and helping the youth as well. DHM creates bonds with GYC and helps the youth to form new connections and associations within the Disciples church (Like with Sharon Watkins, my role model of course!).